Scientific research strength

Scientific research strength

  • Categories:About Us
  • Time of issue:2021-07-01 16:53:11
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Relying on the Key Laboratory of Reproductive and Stem Cell Engineering of the National Health and FamilyPlanning Commission, the hospital has 5 doctoral degrees in genetics, developmental biology, reproductivemedicine,stem cell and regenerative medicine, and bioethics;
So far, 15 post-doctoral students,141 doctors (including current students), and 300 masters (including currentstudents) have been trained;
750 papers have been published, including 218 papers in SCl;
The key technology of human assisted reproduction and sperm bank and its application in reproductive health wonthe National Science and Technology Progress Award twice.
Under the care of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Development and Reform
Commission and other departments, the team has been approved for 4 national key research and developmentprojects (total amount of about 15 million yuan),10 national natural science fund projects (total amount of 3.94million yuan), and Hunan Province Major Special Project 1 ltem (total amount of 6 million yuan).
The hospitals investment in research and development expenses: RMB 34,373,900 in 2015,RMB 46,816,900 in2016,RMB 49,769,100 in 2017, RMB 51,099,600 in 2018, totaling RMB 182 million.


Contact Us


Hotline: 0731-84372980

Lugu General Hospital:
No. 567, Tongzipo West Road, Yuelu District, Changsha

Kaifu Branch:
84 Xiangya Road, Changsha City, Hunan Province (oppositeto Xiangya Hospital, click to navigate)



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